Posted: December 15th, 2021 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Queer, Care, Futures
4th Symposium of the LGBTQ+ Music Study Group
22nd – 24th April 2022
mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Hybrid Event
Call for Papers, Panels and Performances
Following a pause in our in-person events, the LGBTQ+ Music Study Group is excited to announce its 4th symposium, to be held (as a hybrid event) from 22nd to 24th April at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. This event will be a chance for us to take stock of the drastic changes in the world since our last symposium. We may also want to use this opportunity to cautiously imagine new futures, while addressing the rise in transphobia, biphobia and homophobia. At the very least, we hope that this event can enable new forms of reciprocity and solidarity, performing radical care for our communities as we adapt to the COVID-19 crisis. We hereby invite proposals for individual 20-minute presentations, lecture-recitals, shorter provocations, organised 60-minute panels and roundtable discussions, which investigate any aspect of LGBTQ+ music and music studies, including ethnomusicology, historical musicology, popular music studies, music sociology, performance studies, theory and analysis, music pedagogy etc.. Perhaps you would like to attend to the themes below:
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Posted: December 14th, 2021 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Methodological Approaches to Music and Dance: Exploring the Field of Heavy Metal and Its Genre Boundaries
September 08 – September 09, 2022, University of Siegen
Music and dance are connected intimately and especially in popular music cultures dance plays a vital role. Even though academic attention so far has rather attended to forms such as tap dance, salsa, hip hop or various forms of electronic dance music, heavy metal is no exception in this respect: It has developed characteristic, music-related bodily practices that at times serve to designate cultural membership as, for example, the term “headbangers” indicates. At concerts, the music is accompanied by common movements like headbanging and moshing and even more unconventional forms such as conga lines or ‘folkloristic’ circle dances can be found. As this suggests, the boundaries to other music genres are not rigid but porous: Historically, for instance, moshing and stage diving entered metal culture via hardcore and (music-)stylistic crossovers can entail extensions of a genre’s dance styles. The specific forms of movement are situated within a complex, relational structure and can vary by (sub)genre, the course of a concert, the interaction among dancers, the dancers’ evaluation of the music, or the music’s aesthetic character and materiality to name but a few aspects.
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Posted: December 7th, 2021 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Journal of Global Pop Cultures
Real Fake / Fake Realness: (Re)appropriation, the Ironic, and Fandoms in Pop Cultures
Questions pertaining to authenticity, realness and fakeness have been a trademark of approaches to postmodern pop cultures from early on. The bourgeoining Post-Second-World-War consumer and media cultures provided ever growing reservoirs of signs and symbols, narratives and imageries, codes and gestures, materials and products to be combined, deconstructed, reassembled, recontextualized, by professionals but even more so by amateurs. After an era of admiration for the detached genius, it became obvious that nothing comes from nothing, that every cultural act is, to some extent, an act of borrowing and appropriation – or, as Belgian indierock band Dead Man Ray put it in 1998 to further complicate the issue: „We are all copies / But the originals are fake.“
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Posted: December 6th, 2021 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Everyday is Spatial: Creative Immersive Audio Practice
‘Every day is Spatial’ is an immersive audio conference event at The University of Gloucestershire, June 16th, 2022, designed to encourage and explore creativity in making audio and audiovisual immersive experiences.
The conference will enable practitioners to reveal the potentials, challenges and uses for how spatial audio will define the everyday audio experience.
Call for works here:
Contact email: [email protected]
Posted: December 1st, 2021 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on The Journal of Audiovisual Ethnomusicology (JAVEM)
The Journal of Audiovisual Ethnomusicology (JAVEM) is a newly established, bi-annual, peer-reviewed streaming journal of ethnomusicological film and video sponsored by the Society for Ethnomusicology.
JAVEM aims to advance the use of video/film as a method for exploring music and its entanglements, and as a medium for presenting those explorations.
We invite the submission to JAVEM of original audiovisual contributions.
The editors will consider expository, experimental, and/or artistic works that articulate an argument within or adjacent to the field of ethnomusicology. Accepted audiovisual works will represent current research, new theoretical perspectives, and critical audio-visual strategies that fall outside the limitations of print scholarship. The work, which can be of any length, should produce new musicological knowledge about its subject through its audiovisual form. The web format will also allow for supporting text and relevant hyperlinks to the primary work.
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