Posted: August 24th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on If You Could Read Our Minds: Essays on Gordon Lightfoot
Edited by Melissa Avdeeff (Coventry University) and Scott Henderson (Trent University Durham GTA)
Proposals are sought for an interdisciplinary, edited collection focused on the work and career of Canadian singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot.
Lightfoot’s career spans more than six decades, beginning with his emergence in the folk rock scene in Toronto’s Yorkville in the 1960s through to continued touring in the present decade. Lightfoot’s success has bridged a number of genres, including folk, pop, country, rock and a range of crossovers. A string of Top 40 hits in the 1970s cemented Lightfoot’s international reputation, both as a singer and songwriter. In addition to his own recordings, Lightfoot’s songs have also been recorded and performed by an amazing array of diverse artists., across a vast range of musical genres.
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Posted: August 19th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Media Industries 2020: Global Currents and Contradictions
16-18 April 2020 King’s College London
Second international Media Industries conference, hosted by the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College London
Following the success of Media Industries: Current Debates and Future Directions (2018) we are pleased to announce the next Media Industries conference will take place in April 2020.
Media Industries 2020 (MI2020) maintains an open intellectual agenda, inviting papers, panels or workshops exploring the full breadth of media industries, in contemporary and historical contexts, and from all traditions of media industries scholarship. MI2020 will therefore provide a meeting ground for all forms of media industries research. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: August 15th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Gender and Creativity in Music Worlds
MusicaFemina International Symposium, Budapest
8-9 January 2020
As part of its Hungarian event series, MusicaFemina International is organizing a symposium and workshop in Budapest on 8-9 January 2020. The initiative, involving Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Germany, is primarily aimed at creating the conditions for more balanced relations of gender in the various spheres and institutions of music production.
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Posted: August 15th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Sonic Memory one-day conference
Sonic Memory is a one-day IMR conference, Thurs Sept 5th, at the University of Liverpool, with presentations by Prof. Ros Jennings and Prof. Helmi Järviluoma-Mäkelä. The day will call upon researchers from all areas of music studies to share methodological approaches to and understandings of music, listening and memory, including those from sonic studies, music psychology, music ethnography, music therapy, popular music studies, and sociology. In doing so, the symposium has the following three aims:
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Posted: August 13th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on The Songwriting Studies Journal
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Songwriting Studies Journal, an initiative that emerges from the AHRC-funded Songwriting Studies Research Network based at Birmingham City University and the University of Liverpool. Since launching our series of national research events we’ve become increasingly aware of the diversity of scholarly work that intersects with songwriting. The network now seeks contributions from scholars for an inaugural issue of the journal that will help define the emerging interdisciplinary field of songwriting studies.
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Posted: August 13th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on This Woman’s Work: A Kate Bush Symposium
Thursday 12th – Friday 13th December 2019, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh
Over forty years into her career, Kate Bush continues to make significant contributions to various fields of culture. In recent months, her back catalogue has been re-released in remastered form, and a book of collected lyrics, How To Be Invisible, was published by Faber in 2018. The University of Edinburgh is pleased to announce that it will host a two-day symposium on Bush’s achievements. This event will mark and celebrate four decades of diverse productivity and offers a space for reflection on and discussion of this woman’s work. Despite her prolific creativity since the 1970s – covering the fields of music, film and video, literature, and performance – comparatively little scholarly work has been produced on Kate Bush. This symposium aims to start rectifying this omission: the organisers intend to produce an edited anthology collection developed from symposium proceedings.
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Posted: August 13th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Listening to (Mainstream) Popular Music in 2020: Sounds and Practices
21–22 May 2020
Department of Music, University of Innsbruck, Austria
The interdisciplinary conference seeks to intensify the scientific discourse on the current sounds of popular music, and about those who stream, buy, talk about, like, use, and listen to them. The goal is to bring together different approaches unified by the interest in the cultural meanings, identities, experiences, and values that music without a clear subcultural context is being loaded with.
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Posted: August 13th, 2019 | Filed under: IASPM Conferences, News | Comments Off on Publication of Crosstown Traffic Conference Presentations
In September 2018, the University of Huddersfield hosted the IASPM UK and Ireland branch conference, collaborating with international research groups, ASARP, ISMMS, and Dancecult. We have now put online 131 presentations from the conference, as videos, mostly featuring powerpoint/keynote slides with speaking over the top. Please feel free to watch them, use them in teaching, post, embed, advertise or share them. We think this is an interesting model for conference publication, and the YouTube materials are citable publications in their own right. However we encouraged presenters to publish their papers in IASPM Journal, Dancecult Journal, Metal Music Studies Journal, or Art of Record Production Journal, as journal articles carry more weight than conference presentations.
You can view the presentations on this youtube playlist:
And you can embed the playlist using this code. It includes keynote lectures by Franco Fabbri, Anne Danielsen, and record producer Andrew Scheps (producer of Metallica, Adele, Red Hot Chilli Peppers etc.
Posted: August 13th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Agents and Actors: Networks in Music History: Sixth Sibelius Academy Symposium on Music History
Wednesday 3 June—Friday 5 June, 2020
Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland
Deadline for submissions: September 30, 2019
The Fifth Symposium took institutionalisation as its theme in order to contribute to and clarify the ways in which they exert power, the relationships between then, and the hierarchies they establish. In the final plenary session, delegates debated a range of topics that might be given further consideration in the next symposium. The discussion largely focussed on two areas of interest – heritage andnetworks – and both were considered important current areas of work with which the next symposium could engage. It has been decided that the sixth symposium should concentrate on networks and music, while the seventh would focus on questions of heritage.
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Posted: August 5th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers, IASPM Conferences | Comments Off on IASPM-US 2020 Conference: “BPM: Bodies, Places, Movements”
May 21-23, 2020
Ann Arbor, Michigan
The International Association for the Study of Popular Music-United States chapter (IASPM-US) invites proposals for its annual conference, which will take place in Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan on May 21-23, 2020. We welcome abstracts on all aspects of popular music, broadly defined, from any discipline or profession, and especially encourage submissions on the many rich popular music histories of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and Detroit.
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