Posted: March 31st, 2014 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on Discover Hendrix at Handel House
Christian Lloyd and Sheila Whiteley
invite you to
As many of you know, I have had what seems a life-long love of Hendrix and you can imagine my delight when Christian Lloyd (BADER Study Centre, Queen’s University, Herstmonceux) asked whether I’d be interested in being involved with a Hendrix exhibition. This was last year, and having been briefed by museum director, Sarah Bardwell, we are now gathering information for an exhibition booklet, and thinking about websites and apps.
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Posted: March 28th, 2014 | Filed under: Calls for Papers, IASPM Conferences | Comments Off on A long way to the top: The production and reception of music in a globalized world
Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 6-7 November 2014
Keynotes by John Street and Fabian Holt
Once upon a time, a famous rock ‘n’ roll group sang about what it means to play in a music band. In their lyrics they touch upon the role of the music industry (‘getting sold’), the difficulties of a musical career (‘under-paid’ and ‘getting grey’) and music consumption (‘if you wanna be a star’), while celebrating music for music’s sake. As such, this song addresses many issues in the production and reception of popular music in the contemporary globalized world. Yet, recent developments in the field of music have changed the ‘way to the top’, such as governmental policy on music, the rise of new media, and the growing number of music festivals. Focusing on a select number of interrelated themes, this conference aims to bring together scholars from various countries each with their own perspective to engage in an international exchange of ideas and current research insights about music production and reception.
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Posted: March 19th, 2014 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on IASPM UK & Ireland Biennial Conference – Cork, Ireland
University College Cork
12-14 September 2014
University College Cork is delighted to be hosting the 2014 meeting of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, UK & Ireland branch.
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Posted: March 19th, 2014 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on New Jazz Conceptions: History, Theory, Practice
Saturday 31 May
University of Warwick
In recent years jazz studies has attempted to move beyond the canonical view of jazz as a narrative of great performers within an American context, becoming more interdisciplinary and international in its approach. This one-day conference will bring together Warwick, Midlands and National speakers to discuss current research in jazz, share ideas about methodologies for future study, and explore the link between academics and the practice of jazz in the wider community.
Speakers: Tony Whyton, Catherine Tackley, Andrew Hodgetts, Roger Magraw, Katherine Williams, Adrian Litvinoff, Simon Barber and Vic Hobson (National Jazz Archive).
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Posted: March 19th, 2014 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Popular Music Education: Paradigms, Practices, Pedagogies, Problems
Call for Chapters
Popular music has a growing presence in education (formal and otherwise), from primary school to postgraduate study. Programmes, courses and modules in popular music studies, popular music performance, songwriting and many areas of music technology that could be said to relate chiefly to popular music (such as DJ-ing, for example) are becoming commonplace across higher education. Additionally, specialist pop/rock/jazz graded exam syllabi (RockSchool and Trinity Rock and Pop, for example) have emerged in recent years, meaning that it is now possible for school leavers in some countries to have obtained university entry requirements having only studied popular music. In the context of teacher education, classroom teachers and music-specialists alike are becoming increasingly empowered to introduce popular music into their classrooms. However, discourse regarding ‘popular music’ in education still tends to take place alongside normative discourse around ‘music’.
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Posted: March 19th, 2014 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Entertainment! – Post Punk, New Wave and Authenticity
Thursday 8th and Friday 9th May 2014
For journalists, bands and fans, genre categories are often a convenient short-hand way of discriminating between what is perceived-to-be-‘cool’ and what is not. More often than not, this boils down to a discourse around ‘authenticity’: such-and-such is ‘the real thing’ whilst some other band or set of bands is, by contrast, ‘phonies’, ‘frauds’ and/or ‘Johnny-come-latelies’. The separation of ‘Post-punk’ from ‘New Wave’ c.1977-79 is a particularly interesting case because, firstly, the sense of ‘authenticity’ and commitment to a (punk) cause was so prominent in this period and, secondly, because many reputations and economies of taste continue to capitalise on a sense that, on the one hand, you’ve got the commercial trash and, on the other hand, you’ve got the real deal.
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Posted: March 7th, 2014 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Creativities, Musicalities, Entrepreneurships
The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance is hosting its third biennial international conference, in partnership with the Art of Management and Organization. The event will take place at the Institute’s London campus from 4th to 6th September 2014.
The discourse of artists as entrepreneurs has become commonplace in recent years, perhaps especially in higher education, but there is less discussion of entrepreneurs as artists. Notions of what it is to be musical are increasingly challenged by narrow notions of success and the rise of celebrity (Smith 2013). Writers such as Peter Cook in The Music of Business (2012), Richard Sennett (2012), Peter Gloor (2006) and Cartwright, Gillett & Smith (2014) have begun to expand the discourse between these intimately interconnected domains. The time is right to explore creativities, musicalities and entrepreneurships in a vibrant, collaborative environment.
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Posted: March 2nd, 2014 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Metal and Cultural Impact: Metal’s Role in the 21st Century
Thursday, November 6 – Saturday November 8, 2014
University of Dayton
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Metal Studies is a growing interdisciplinary field, connected to, though not limited to fields as diverse as Popular Culture, Leisure Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, History, English Studies, Music, Cultural and Critical Studies, Gender Studies, Critical Theory, and Business and Economics.
This conference aims to examine Metal culture’s role in society throughout the world. Does Metal seek to bring people together or pull them away from mainstream culture? Does it serve as a rallying cry for the oppressed throughout the world? Has its development over time negatively affected the quality of the music, or has the changing nature of our world made it that much more important to its fans, musicians, and those who control the industry? How has Metal music and its culture adapted with the changing world—or has it? And, as Metal continues to be a part of world cultures, how will it not only affect the world, but also how will it be affected by the world?
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