Posted: April 26th, 2017 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on Institute of Musical Research Conference Grants
The Institute of Musical Research invites applications to organise a one-day workshop, study day, or conference at Senate House in central London during the 2017–18 academic year. Grants of up to £400 are available, and the IMR will also provide a room with a capacity of 70-80 for one day.
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Posted: April 25th, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on ‘Punk’: Impacting Culture? Influencing change?
The Fourth Punk Scholars Network Conference and Symposium
The University of Bolton School of the Arts and the Punk Scholars Network
12th and 13th of December 2017
Papers and presentations are invited for the fourth Punk Scholars Network conference and postgraduate symposium to be held at The University of Bolton School of the Arts.
According to some, Punk crashed into popular culture in the United Kingdom in year zero, 1976 and crashed out at Wonderland in San Francisco in January 1978. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 25th, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Popular Music and the Moving Image in Eastern Europe
Special issue of Studies in Eastern European Cinema guest-edited by Zsolt Győri
A special issue of SEEC calls for contributions (not exceeding 6000 words) on the uses of popular music in the moving image in Eastern Europe – including musicals, other types of fiction film, music videos, documentary and experimental films – from the postwar period to contemporary times. The focus includes but also reaches beyond poetic considerations of film music, and articles about the social, cultural, and production contexts of music in screen culture are especially welcome.
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Posted: April 25th, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Inside, Outside, and in Between: Institutionalization in Music History
Fifth Sibelius Academy Symposium on Music History
June 6–8, 2018, Music Centre Helsinki, Finland
Deadline for proposals: September 30, 2017
Conference website:
The Fourth Symposium took cosmopolitanism as its theme in order to contribute to and clarify the cosmopolitan turn in the arts and humanities, to explore its meaning in terms of musical practice and theory, and develop new perspectives on music history. In the final plenary session, delegates debated a range of topics that might be given further consideration in the next symposium, speaking of pedagogy, cosmopolitanism as teaching tool, and destabilizing conservative frameworks in music history teaching. The discussion ranged widely over topics such as networks, connections, mobilities and immobilities, geographical transactions, border crossings, mythologies, utopias and heterotopias, tourism and travel, and humanism and post-humanism. The most productive discussion, however, was around institutionalization.
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Posted: April 8th, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Techniques of Listening
A Conference Organized by the Music and Sound Studies Interdisciplinary Student Group
University of Minnesota
October 13–14, 2017 • Minneapolis, MN
Keynote Speakers: Charles Hirschkind (UC Berkeley) and Emily Dolan (Harvard)
As a way of knowing and interacting with the world, techniques of listening constitute a wide range of socially and historically circumscribed practices that shape our subjective positions and collective identities. Techniques of listening orient the ear and represent sound in distinct and often contradictory ways.
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Posted: April 3rd, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Symposium for Digital Musicology
1st September 2017
Senate House W1CE 7HU London UK
Symposium for Digital Musicology is a one day event that aims to bring together scholars from various musicological fields and computer scientists in order to generate a discussion about digital musicology – an interdisciplinary field in which new technologies are applied to musicological research. Digital techniques have been used more often within humanities in fields outside of musicology, for example in palaeography, history, art history, and many others. The field of digital musicology remains an active field with research done by computer scientists and programmers who have built a broad range of tools that could be used by musicologists and ethnomusicologists, but these tools do not usually meet their potential on this side of the research spectrum. These digital tools could both be timesaving and provide opportunities to new methodologies (e.g. big data, timbral analysis, automated transcription, etc.).
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Posted: April 3rd, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on ISSTA 2017 International Festival and Conference on Sound in the Arts, Science and Technology
Sept 7th-8th 2017
Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland
Peter Kirn (Editor–in–Chief, CDM: Create Digital Music)
Dr Theresa Dillon (Artist–Researcher, Professor of City Futures at Watershed and University of the West of England, Bristol)
Deadline for submissions
Submissions are due Monday 17th April. Notifications will be sent by Friday 9th June.
ISSTA 2017: Sound–Makers: technologies, practices and cultures
Creative audio and visual practices are increasingly moving from the digital sphere into the ‘real’ world––moving from bits to atoms (Ishii and Ullmer, 1997)––as physical computing technologies continue to become more widely affordable and accessible. Custom–made and repurposed controllers, gestural interfaces and intentionally hackable or reconfigurable instruments now support the creation and control of music and audio-visual media outside the mouse and keyboard paradigm and beyond normative models based on previously–established practices.
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