Posted: December 19th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Call for Chapters for Edited Collection on Psychedelic Music
This edited collection aims to bring together academic work on all kinds of psychedelic music, whether rock, folk, electronic or pop and would make an important contribution to an emerging field. For the purpose of this collection psychedelic music is conceptualized broadly: it can be music that imparts feelings of disorientation, temporal distortion, sensory overload or shift in perceptual frame, similar to those experienced with the use of psychoactive substances; music composed for the specific purpose of facilitating altered states; it can also be any music which accompanies and complements psychoactive substance use, whether widely considered psychedelic, or not.
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Posted: December 18th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Augmentation: past, futures, possibilities and pathways
AJIRN4 2020
Augmentation: past, futures, possibilities and pathways
University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Key Note Speaker: (TBC)
Call for papers and performances:
The 2020 Australasian Jazz and Improvisation Research Network will be convened by the University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Conference Date: 8th – 10th June 2020
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Posted: December 18th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Music in the Age of Streaming – Nordic Perspectives
IASPM-Norden conference 2020
Music in the Age of Streaming – Nordic Perspectives
PITEÅ, SWEDEN, 15–17 JUNE 2020
The IASPM-Norden conference aims to shed light on various aspects of streaming of/in popular music within the Nordic context. Nordic popular music is a dynamic field comprising a great variety of artists, music producers and entrepreneurs on both ends of the cultural spectrum, from commercially successful to less known and underground. More broadly, listening to popular music has become an evermore accessible activity in people’s everyday life, and so have the “streams” of music flowing across many borders – geographical, ideological, socioeconomic, cultural, disciplinary, etc. In addition to the everyday distribution and listening of music through digital networks, we contend specifically that “streaming” may also be used to conceptualize musical cultures beyond the scope of Spotify or other streaming services. That said, even an analysis of a platform like Spotify may benefit from an approach that investigates the deeper currents and flows of its streams, as pursued by Spotify Teardown (Eriksson et al. 2019) recently. With this conference we wish to engage with the many intersections of musical streams and invite papers that highlight the ways in which “streaming” characterize music and musical cultures.
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Posted: December 18th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Not Ready to Make Nice – Power, Threats and Harassments in Popular Music
30. Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Popularmusikforschung
Host: Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
Dates: 25. – 27. September 2020
Locations: Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim/Popakademie Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim
in cooperation with Leuphana Universität Lüneburg as well as with the Jahrestagung des Bundesverbands Musikunterricht e.V.
Organizers: Michael Ahlers / David-Emil Wickström
Theme: Not Ready to Make Nice – Power, Threats and Harassments in Popular Music
Popular music cultures always reflect current social developments and debates, sometimes even forming a burning glass under which processes and products become even more clearly visible: In the context of the #metoo debates in the film industry, it quickly became clear that, unfortunately, various misconduct and institutional cover-up processes also take place on a regular basis in the music industry and at educational institutions. These processes have arguably existed for decades within the institutional education of prospective musicians and artists worldwide (!) (Lazar 2017; Payne et al. 2018; Knobbe & Möller 2018; Kerst 2019; Bartsch et al. 2019), but also within the global music industry. What is new is that musicians now have courage to speak up, show solidarity and increasingly bring accusations against sexual assaults to the public. One outcome is that in the area of so-called art music, for example, the Maestro cult is being demystified (Johnston 2017).
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Posted: December 9th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on The Autoethnography of Composition and the Composition of Autoethnography
Wednesday 17 June 2020, University of Glasgow
CFP: deadline for submissions 28 February 2020
The advent of autoethnography, a form of qualitative social science research that combines an author’s narrative self-reflection with analytical interpretation of the broader contexts in which that individual operates, holds particular significance for the field of music composition (broadly conceived). As a model for creative practice, autoethnography has been adopted by artists and researchers as a means of enfolding critical reflection upon social, cultural, and political identities and contexts into creative process and outcomes. It has similarly proven useful to practice-researchers, who are increasingly expected to produce written narratives to support and explain their musical creations. In particular, the expectation of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) that creative practice outputs will be contextualised through an accompanying commentary signals the importance of establishing scholarly structures appropriate to the discussion of one’s own work, a practice to which autoethnography is well-suited.
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Posted: December 9th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Ethnomusicology Review Volume 23
Ethnomusicology Review is now accepting submissions for Volume 23, scheduled for publication in Fall 2021. Starting as Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology (PRE) in 1984, Ethnomusicology Review is a refereed journal managed by UCLA graduate students and a faculty advisory board. We maintain an extensive editorial board and publish interdisciplinary music research in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, and other languages on a case-by-case basis.
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Posted: December 9th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on EUPOP 2020
Jagiellonian University, July 22nd – 24th, 2020
Deadline: 29th February, 2019
Individual paper and panel contributions are welcomed for the ninth annual international con-ference of the European Popular Culture Association (EPCA), to be held at Jagiellonian Uni-versity, Kraków, Poland, July 22nd – 24th, 2020.
EUPOP 2020 will explore European popular culture in all its various forms. This includes, but is by no means limited to, the following topics: Climate Change in Popular Culture, European Film (past and present), Television, Music, Costume and Performance, Celebrity, The Body, Fashion, New Media, Popular Literature and Graphic Novels, Queer Studies, Sport, Curation, and Digital Culture. We also welcome abstracts which reflect the various ways of how the idea of relationship between Europe and popular culture could be formed and how the current tur-moil in European identity (e.g. the legacy of totalitarianism and fascism), union, its borders and divisions are portrayed in popular cultural themes and contents.
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Posted: December 9th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Media and the Night: An International Conference
April 29 and 30, 2020
McGill University, Montreal
Organized by
Jhessica Reia, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University
Will Straw, James McGill Professor of Urban Media Studies, Department of Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University
Over the last decade, the study of the night has emerged as an international, interdisciplinary field of scholarly research. Historians, archaeologists, geographers, urbanists, economists and scholars of culture and literature have analyzed the night time of communities large and small, across a wide range of historical periods. The study of the night has expanded in tandem with new attention to the night on the part of city administrations, organizers of cultural events (like nuitsblanches and museum nights) and activists fighting gentrification, systems of control and practices of harassment and exclusion which limit the “right to the night” of various populations.
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Posted: December 4th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Popular music in the Post-Soviet sphere: Analysing current trends
Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden
3-4 September 2020 (lunch to lunch)
The workshop titled “Popular music in the Post-Soviet sphere: Analysing current trends” aims to carve out the main contributions currently being made by scholars to studies of Post-Soviet popular music in the 21st century. Popular music studies, investigating both the sounds, lyrics, performance and wider practices and cultures of popular music, is a large and vibrant research area. However, popular music produced in the Post-Soviet sphere, by artists associated with the Post-Soviet sphere, consumed by listeners in the Post-Soviet sphere/diaspora, or thematising Post-Soviet topics has not been the focus of much research in comparison to Western European and Anglo-American popular music. This is all the more surprising as Estrada, Russkii Shanson, Pop/Popsa, Rock, EDM and Rap/Hip Hop are major genres in Post-Soviet countries with large quantities of music produced, performed and listened to.
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Posted: December 2nd, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Pop and Politics: State of the Field/State of the World
Annual Conference of the Popular Culture Association of Canada
Concordia University, Montreal, QC, May 7-9, 2020
After a one-year hiatus, the annual conference of the Popular Culture Association of Canada is back and looking forward—as well as up, left, right, down, and back. For our 9th annual conference, which will take place at Concordia University in Montreal, QC from May 7th-9th, 2020, we’re reflecting on the state of our field by inviting discussion on the relationship between popular culture and politics, broadly conceived.
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