Welcome to The International Association for the Study of Popular Music UK and Ireland Branch

21st Century Music Practice Research Network – Session 2

Posted: April 22nd, 2020 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on 21st Century Music Practice Research Network – Session 2

Seven Practice-Research Online Symposia – Summer 2020

Session 2: Restrictions and Affordances

This is a call for audio or audio-visual work which explores this practice-research theme in some way. The work will be presented online through YouTube and the http://C21MP.org website and additionally promoted through the IASPM UK & Ireland online conference hosted by the University of West London this summer. Discussion of the pieces (and/or practice-based responses) will also be presented through the website. The work can be in any style (from the highly commercial to the highly experimental) and be any combination of vocal, acoustic, electrical and electronic. It has, of course, to illuminate the theme and can include:

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Popular Music and Society Special Issue: Jazz Diasporas

Posted: April 20th, 2020 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Popular Music and Society Special Issue: Jazz Diasporas

Guest Editors: Bruce Johnson and Adam Havas

Submissions are invited for a special issue of Popular Music and Society on jazz diasporas. This special issue is about how jazz circulated beyond its accepted sites of origin. This can be both international and intranational; that is, jazz outside the United States, but also jazz outside New Orleans. The latter has received extensive coverage in jazz historiography through geographically based stylistic typologies: Chicago, New York, Kansas City, West Coast. While there is also a growing literature on the international diaspora, both are dominated by essentialist metropolitan and national taxonomies. These approaches elide the dynamics of micro-localized scenes, how and why they are formed, what sort of networks they emerge from and develop. So, by way of example, more might be learned about the circulation of jazz by the study of international port cities and shipping routes than by generalisations based on an individual nation, or by the study of sub-urban scenes than under the rubric of a large city. To understand jazz, one must understand its diasporic reinventions.

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Sound Stage Screen (SSS)

Posted: April 20th, 2020 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Sound Stage Screen (SSS)

We are pleased to announce the launch of Sound Stage Screen (SSS), a new biannual peer-reviewed journal devoted to historical and theoretical research into the relations between sound, performance, and media. SSS will address a wide range of phenomena, practices, and objects pertaining to sound and music in light of the interconnections between performing traditions and media archaeologies: from opera to musical multimedia, and from cinema to interactive audio-visual platforms.

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21st Century Music Practice Research Network

Posted: April 10th, 2020 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on 21st Century Music Practice Research Network

Seven Practice-Research Online Symposia – Summer 2020

Session 1: Deductive and Inductive Working Methods

This is a call for audio or audio-visual work which explores this practice-research theme in some way. The work will be presented online through YouTube and the C21MP.org website and additionally promoted through the IASPM UK & Ireland online conference hosted by the University of West London this summer. Discussion of the pieces (and/or practice-based responses) will also be presented through the C21MP.org website. The work can be in any style (from the highly commercial to the highly experimental) and be any combination of vocal, acoustic, electrical and electronic. It has, of course, to illuminate the theme and can include:

  • Performance
  • Composition
  • Studio Recording
  • Sound to Picture work
  • Pieces for Radio
  • Sound Art

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Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values

Posted: April 3rd, 2020 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values

03-04.12.2020 | Lisbon | NOVA FCSH

Within the field of popular music studies, little attention has been given to the impacts of independent music labels outside the Anglo-Saxon context, particularly in the production, dissemination and consumption of music in semi-peripheral countries such as Portugal. On the other hand, when the scope of the reflection goes beyond the Anglo-Saxon context the study of major record companies has been privileged over small structures of local / national scope which operate independently from these large companies and/or media groups with a transnational reach. Starting from broader discussions about the relationship between the local and the global in music production, this colloquium proposes a discussion on the impact of independent music labels with a particular focus on the Portuguese context and/or in contexts that are similarly located outside the main production centers. We will take as a starting point some recognized (yet open to scrutiny) assumptions about independent labels in the field of music production: the dissemination and making available of local musics and artists in opposition to the hegemony of global (mostly Anglo-Saxon) artists and genres released by multinationals; the valuing of aesthetic and artistic dimensions in music making at the expense of its commercial potential; the forms of organization and work that are innovative and adaptable to the changing contexts in the record sector, particularly in the new millennium. This is an inter and multidisciplinary colloquium accepting proposals in disciplines such as musicology, ethnomusicology, sociology, anthropology and history, among others. We also hope to establish a dialogue between the academy and the record sector with the presence and participation of independent label managers.
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