Posted: July 25th, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Jazz Research Journal special issue: Jazz Television
In an account of Roland Kirk’s appearance on the television programme Soul!, Gayle Wald argues that the mediation of a television camera “renders the affective power of Kirk’s performance more immediate and more suspenseful than it might have been in a nightclub setting” (2015: 124-125). With these words, Wald explodes dominant myths in jazz regarding the primacy of live performance and counters widely-held suspicions regarding the possible accomplishments of jazz television (see Frith 2002: 277-290). As understandings of jazz reach beyond the musicological, scholarship has paid closer attention to questions of production and visual style in small-screen presentations of jazz (McGee 2009: 201-244; Long and Wall 2015; Pillai 2016; Heile et al. 2017) but there remains much to be explored.
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Posted: July 21st, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Jay-Z special issue in Black Camera
As a supplement to the Fall 2017 Close-Up on Beyoncé, Black Camera invites submissions for a Close-Up devoted to JAY-Z. Recently inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame by President Barack Obama, JAY-Z is one of the most influential rap artists of all time.
With the release of 4:44, JAY-Z has once again shifted the terrain of hip-hop and his own image. Revealed as a philanderer in Beyoncé’s ground-breaking Lemonade, JAY-Z embraces vulnerability and responsibility in his fourteenth album. How does this new perspective elucidate a rapper once renowned for his masculinist lyrics and aggressive posture?
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Posted: July 21st, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on The Social and Cultural Study of Music: Then and Now
A Symposium in Honour of John Shepherd
Carleton University, Ottawa, 24–25 Nov. 2017
During the late 1970s and early 80s, an emerging body of literature based in sociology, popular music, feminism, cultural and critical theory began to infiltrate the study of music, challenging the objects and methods of conventional music theory and musicology, on the one hand, and questioning Western classical music as the primary musical text, on the other. Issues of class, identity, race, gender and sexuality, technology, industry, values and aesthetics came to the fore and popular musics, genres and fandom slowly gained status as legitimate areas of study. Today, these issues continue to inform much writing and theorizing about music but new areas of inquiry – ethnography, music in everyday life, sound studies, music and the moving image, cities and scenes, disability studies, digitalization and others – have added to the increasingly inter-disciplinary character of music as an area of cultural study.
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Posted: July 17th, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers, IASPM Conferences | Comments Off on 2017 IASPM Postgraduate Student Conference
Dear colleagues,
I’m delighted to announce the call for papers for the 2017 IASPM UK&I Postgraduate Students’ Conference on the theme ‘Negotiating Popular Music’. This two-day conference takes as its starting point the position that encounters with popular music involve a dialogue between varied forces and agencies. It offers an opportunity for research students to come together to interrogate these myriad interactions with popular music as analysts, makers, tastemakers, and so on.
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Posted: July 4th, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on ‘Imagining Kingston’: A Conference on the Regeneration of a City
November 9-12, 2017
The restoration of old, historic, depressed or derelict quarters of cities is a common feature of social, economic, aesthetic and environmental development strategies around the world.
Restoration and regeneration are often used as the basis to catalyse and to chart pathways for economic growth and renewal, to pioneer new sectors of social and economic endeavours, and to cultivate pride and civic feeling in a people’s existential journey. The scholarship and expertise in this area are growing globally and providing governments/policy makers, investors/entrepreneurs, citizens and various publics with knowledge, advice, training/agential capacity, building facilities and skills for urban renewal, regeneration and a multiplicity of possibilities, including imagining and realizing new exciting urban spatial creations alongside the iconising of spaces.
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