Posted: May 27th, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Musical and media connectivities: practices, circulation, interactions
Edited by Hélène Laurin & Andréane Morin-Simard
Kinephanos is a bilingual web-based journal. Focusing on questions involving cinema and popular media, Kinephanos encourages interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. The journal’s primary interests are movies and popular TV series, video games, emerging technologies and fan cultures . The preferred approaches include cinema studies, communication theories, religion sciences, philosophy, cultural studies and media studies.
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Posted: May 24th, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Sonic Contestations of Nuclear Power
Noriko Manabe (Princeton) and Jessica Schwartz (UCLA) are preparing the edited volume, Sonic Contestations of Nuclear Power. This work will consist of academic essays or personal testimonials of approximately 5,000 words, as well as creative works. We have already received commitments from a number of notable authors and creators, and we are looking for a few additional essays to round out the volume. Our preliminary table of contents has met with great enthusiasm from a university press. We have also received substantial funding from the Centre for Human Values at Princeton University, which will host a workshop for contributors in late October 2015.
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Posted: May 21st, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Transposition: Listening lines, online listening
Issue 6 (2016): Listening lines, online listening
Transposition. Musique et sciences sociales
Coordination: Stéphan-Éloïse Gras et Peter Szendy
Since the 1990s, listening has been the subject of growing interest, in terms of not only its social history, but the related technical media and philosophical aspects. Research such as that presented by James H. Johnson (Listening in Paris, 1996), Peter Szendy (Écoute, une histoire de nos oreilles, 2001), Jean-Luc Nancy (À l’écoute, 2002), Jonathan Sterne (The Audible Past, 2003) and more recently, Martin Kaltenecker (L’Oreille divisée, 2010), Michael Bull (Sound Studies, 2013) and Veit Erlmann (Reason and Resonance, 2014) has given rise to a new field, although it is certainly not a homogenous field that can simply be contained in the category of “sound studies”.
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Posted: May 18th, 2015 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on Postgraduate MA and PhD Study in Popular Music
Students can study popular music at the University of Huddersfield at MA, MPhil or PhD level, and can include composition, performance, musicology, music technology and production. Students participate in a lively research environment, with 50 postgraduate students and a regular programme of events, concerts and seminars. Applications are encouraged which include practice based research, such as composition, performance or studio production, this work is usually accompanied by a short thesis. PhD by Publication allows those who already have a large body of existing research to evidence that existing work within 12 months of study.
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Posted: May 15th, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on The Hidden Musicians Revisited
A conference organised by the Music Department at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
11th-12th January 2016
Open University Professor Ruth Finnegan’s 1989 book The Hidden Musicians: Music-Making in an English Town has been recognised as a landmark in the study of music and culture, a central concern in Open University Music research. In the preface to the 2007 edition, Finnegan identifies a number of new directions which have opened up since the time of her original study due to methodological and technological advances in the study of music. Her investigation of music-making in Milton Keynes (where the OU is based) focussed on amateur musicians, but there are numerous examples of professional musicians who remain ‘hidden’, perhaps because of biases related to gender, class, race and ethnicity, or owing to trends within musicology.
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Posted: May 13th, 2015 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on Andrew Goodwin Memorial Prize winner announced
A panel of four judges has now had the opportunity to consider all of the submissions for the inaugural Andrew Goodwin Memorial Prize for best postgraduate student essay in popular music research, and a winner has been selected. Congratulations to Ben Assiter who wins an award of £500 and will receive his prize shortly.
Read the award winning essay here.
More about Ben Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 7th, 2015 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on 2nd International Summer School, Methods of Popular Music Analysis
Osnabrueck (Germany), 14th-18th September 2015
The GfPM (German Society for Popular Music Studies) and the University of Osnabrueck are inviting applications for participation in the 2nd International Summer School “Methods of Popular Music Analysis” at the Institute of Musicology and Music Pedagogy in Osnabrueck, Germany, from Monday 14th to Friday 18th September 2015.
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Posted: May 7th, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Music History and Cosmopolitanism
Fourth Sibelius Academy Symposium on Music History
June 1–3, 2016 at Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland
Keynote Speakers (see below for abstracts)
Brigid Cohen, New York University, USA
Mark Everist, University of Southampton, GB
Franco Fabbri, University of Turin, IT
Conference Outline
The Third Sibelius Academy Symposium (2014) took as its theme the questioning of methodological nationalism in music historiography: the kind of historiography that, according to Beck and Sznaider, equates society with national society (“Unpacking Cosmopolitanism for the Social Sciences,” 2006: 2). They called, instead, for a methodological cosmopolitanism, an alternative that has gained momentum within musicology, often alongside related concepts: the last two decades have seen increased attention to the conspicuous mobility of works and musicians; to cities as sites of cosmopolitan encounter; and to the transnational and global connections created and exploited by musicians.
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Posted: May 7th, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on In Praise of Paul Weller…? Reflections on Popular Music Studies
Symposium, Wednesday 23 March 2016
Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research
‘What often passed the post-punk brigade by was Weller’s musical subtlety: the allusions to Motown and Stax, the willingness to experiment. That really came to the fore when he started the Style Council, which disgruntled fans wrote off as soulboys. Nor did they welcome the later house-music direction. But not for nothing has Weller referred to himself as The Changingman – a restlessness and impatience that makes him a much more compelling artist. Nice line in knitwear, too.’ Guardian Leader, Friday 27 August 2010
An enduring fixture of popular music culture for almost 40 years, Paul Weller and his work has been the subject of relatively little academic scrutiny. In attending to Weller’s work, the purpose of this symposium is to consider his longevity, musical path and identity as ways of raising questions about the history, historiography, direction, range and operations of popular music culture and its scholarly study.
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Posted: May 4th, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Rhythms of Life: Youth and Popular Culture in a Changing South Africa
13-14 November 2015, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town
Rhythms of Life: Youth and Popular Culture in a Changing South Africa is a two day symposium organized by the Human Sciences Research Council, the University of Helsinki’s discipline of Social and Cultural Anthropology, and the University of the Western Cape’s Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research. It is an interdisciplinary symposium that encourages contributions from across the social sciences and humanities.
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