Posted: October 25th, 2013 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Perspectives on Musical Improvisation II
9th-12th September 2014
Faculty of Music, University of Oxford
Following the success of the first Perspectives on Musical Improvisation (PoMI) conference in Oxford in September 2012, a second conference (PoMI II) will take place in Oxford on 9th – 12th September 2014. As with the 2012 event, this conference will address the many faces of improvisation from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. While retaining the same broad and inclusive approach as for PoMI I, the organisers are keen to encourage submissions that will contribute to one or more of the following themes:
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Posted: October 23rd, 2013 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on Launch of Music Research Consortium UK (MRC-UK)
Leaders of professional organisations promoting research in music will gather at the Institute of Musical Research, Senate House, London on Friday 25 October, 2013 at 5pm, for the official launch of the Music Research Consortium UK (MRC-UK). Invited guests include scholars, industry professionals and policy makers from across the UK.
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Posted: October 21st, 2013 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on In the Frame? Public and Political Discourses of Migration
Public and political discourses on the matter of inward and outward migration are of crucial importance, as they are responsible for framing the issue, and for how, when, and where these issues arrive on the public / political spectrum (Schain 2008, p.465). As a result such discourses have substantial influence over the general public’s attitudes towards migration (McLaren, 2001).
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Posted: October 11th, 2013 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on A Riot of Our Own: A Symposium on The Clash in Belfast
University of Ulster, Belfast Campus, Northern Ireland
June 20-21 2014
In the 1970s, with the Troubles at their height, touring musicians were usually unwilling to play in Northern Ireland. One of the few international acts prepared to break what was in effect the cultural boycott of the region was The Clash. In October 1977, the iconic punk band was scheduled to open the Get Out of Control tour with a concert in the Ulster Hall in Belfast city centre. A few hours before the group was due to take the stage, however, the gig was cancelled for reasons that remain disputed and sparking chaotic scenes that are often recalled as amounting to a ‘riot’. Shortly before Christmas, The Clash made good on their promise to return to Belfast and played a legendary concert in the McMordie Hall at Queen’s University.
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Posted: October 8th, 2013 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Race & Place in Hip-Hop Beyond the US
Symposium at the African Studies Association UK’s Biennial Conference
(ASAUK, University of Sussex, 9-11 September 2014)
Hip-hop’s appeal beyond the US has been well documented by recent scholarship and documentaries. Despite the global uptake of hip-hop by a range of musicians, dancers and visual artists, mainstream media tend to focus upon commercial hip-hop from the US almost exclusively.
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Posted: October 2nd, 2013 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Urban Soundscapes and Critical Citizenship
27th & 28th March, 2014, Limerick, Ireland
In this interdisciplinary conference, we explore the intersection of soundscapes and acoustic ecology studies (Murray Schafer 1977; Truax 1978) with urban, applied ethnomusicology’s focus on human subjects (Hemetek and Reyes 2007; Jurková 2012) and with sociological understandings of the cultural restructuring of urban space (Fainstein and Campbell, 2011; LeGates 2011; Bridge and Watson 2010), through an evocation of ‘critical citizenship’ (Nell et al, 2012).
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