The Third Annual Westminster-Goldsmiths Symposium for Student Research in Popular Music
Posted: February 23rd, 2016 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on The Third Annual Westminster-Goldsmiths Symposium for Student Research in Popular MusicFriday 20 May 2016, 9am-6pm
Chiltern Suite, University of Westminster, Marylebone Campus
Presented by the University of Westminster Centre for Commercial Music and Goldsmiths Popular Music Research Unit
This symposium will bring together student researchers in popular music – broadly construed – from across Britain. It is an opportunity for students to present their developing research to friendly, interested and expert listeners, and to meet and network with future colleagues.
Most of the day’s panels will be reserved for PhD and Masters researchers, but this year we also invite submissions from exceptional Undergraduate researchers who are looking to continue their research work and who wish to advertise their readiness for graduate study at Westminster, at Goldsmiths, or elsewhere.
Papers will be limited to 20 minutes for all researchers, with 10 minute Q&A sessions following all papers.
Please send a 200-word abstract of your proposed paper to one of the following organisers by 5pm on Friday 8 April:
Dr Tom Perchard ([email protected])
Dr Chris Kennett ([email protected])
Please include contact details and an indication of your current level of study.
We will let you know if your proposal has been accepted by Friday 22 April, and will circulate a full schedule of confirmed speakers shortly thereafter.
If you are not ready to present but would like to attend, you will be most welcome: please contact Dr Chris Kennett to book your place.
Attendance is free; lunch will be at your own expense – many places are available off-campus. Coffee and tea will be provided, and the day will conclude with a chance to chat informally over a glass of wine.