The Soundtrack Special Issue: “Screenwriting Sound and Music”
Posted: March 16th, 2023 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on The Soundtrack Special Issue: “Screenwriting Sound and Music”Guest Editors: Pascal Rudolph, Claus Tieber
Sound and music can be found in screenplays throughout cinema history. The editors of this special issue invite papers that illustrate how knowledge as well as creative inspiration can be gained by using screenplays as research objects in film music and sound studies.
This special issue will deal with the many connections between screenwriting and sound/music on theoretical, methodological, and historical levels. We are seeking articles that might cover the following themes (but are not restricted to them):
- typologies of music/sounds in screenplays
- innovative ways of writing the soundtrack in screenplays beyond the Hollywood model
- terminology, definitions and historical screenwriting for sound films
- the screenwriter as musical advisor
- screenwriting film musicals and musical numbers
- screenwriting music videos
- sound and narration in screenplays
- screenwriting biopics of musicians
- historical case studies of screenwriting sound and music
- sound, music and screenplay format
- historical and recent collaborations between screenwriters and sound designers, composers, etc.
- screenwriting and sound design
- screenwriting music and sound for video games
To be considered for this Special Issue, please submit your abstract (max. 300 words) and a brief bio to [email protected] and [email protected] by April 15, 2023. If your abstract is accepted, we expect to receive the full article (min. 5000, max. 7.000 words) by July 31, 2023. The issue will be published in autumn/winter 2023.
The Soundtrack is a multi-disciplinary, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that brings together research in the area of music and sound in relation to film and other moving image media, including television, games and installations. See the journal site for further information: