The Punk Scholars Network website
Posted: May 20th, 2020 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on The Punk Scholars Network websiteThe Punk Scholars Network is celebrating 8 years of punk scholarship by launching our brand new Punk Scholars Network website
Please go visit the fantastic new website where you can view all the interesting and insightful work the Punk Scholars Network has been involved in since its inception in 2012, including publications and events as well as our new blog that features announcements about new punk research and other creative work. You can even buy affordable PSN merch direct from the website to help support the not-for-profit Punk Scholars Network.
If you would like to share your punk related news and developments with us, or an insightful and interesting perspective on punk you would like to contribute to our blog, you can do so through the contact page on our new website
Since its humble beginnings in 2012, the Punk Scholars Network has expanded its global membership and activities through conferences, symposiums, publications, talks and exhibitions, whilst seeking to maintain its original aim as an international forum for scholarly debate. The Punk Scholars Network has also held a long-standing commitment towards the nurturing of research, not only in terms of post-doctoral output, but also through pedagogical and academic support for postgraduate and undergraduate research students whilst encouraging and supporting non-academics to pursue and develop their interests in punk scholarship.
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