Sound, Meaning, Education: CONVERSATIONS & improvisations
Posted: April 11th, 2023 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Sound, Meaning, Education: CONVERSATIONS & improvisationsSound, Meaning, Education: CONVERSATIONS & improvisations
University of Guelph/IICSI, October 20-22, 2023
Proposal Deadline: May 15, 2023
SME | CFP (Call for Proposals)
Sound, Meaning Education (SME) invites researchers, artists, and/or teachers to submit
proposals for an in-person conference to be held at the University of Guelph, October 20-22,
2023. The conference will gather all manner of curricular innovators to share
research/scholarship, pedagogical strategies, narratives/stories, performances, and imaginings
for the purpose of building infrastructures that support sound and meaning explorations within
teaching and learning contexts.
As an organization, SME responds to and is part of: 1) the sensory turn in the academy, 2)
recent technological and experiential shifts in how music and sound are
created/heard/disseminated, and 3) the re-orienting of human existences toward ecological
resonance (SME Guiding Statement). The 2023 conference continues in these veins via a
partnership with the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation (IICSI) at the
University of Guelph and will co-convene with the fourth annual Improvisation Festival (IF). As
such, the conference will emphasize improvisations, as related to sound theory/research and
pedagogical practice, along with CONVERSATIONS, as related to sound theory/research and
pedagogical practice. To that end, three session types comprise the conference schedule:
research talks (15 min + 15 min Q&A), interactive workshops (60 min), and improvisational
performances (60 min). Keynotes and guest artists are forthcoming.
SME is, by nature, interdisciplinary. As such, we encourage proposals/projects of all
methodologies; please be specific in that regard. Proposal topics include, but are not limited to:
- Pedagogical encounters in/with sound and improvisation thereof. (PK-16, community-based programs, etc.)
- Creative and critical intersections between sound, music, improvisation and education.
- Ecological/relational impacts of human engagements with sound/music.
- Sensuous scholarship and phenomenological studies centered around sound, improvisation, and pedagogy.
- Embodied and cognitive processes with sound/music.
- Sound/music narratives and narrative inquiries in music/sound learning contexts.
- Multi-sensorial engagements with sound/music as related to inclusivity and disability studies, and/or other areas of inquiry.
- Social and political structures that inform and constitute sound/music experience and sound/music pedagogies.
- Philosophy of sound and music as related to technology, identity, the environment, and/or education.
Proposals should include the following:
- Proposal type: Research Talk, Interactive Workshop, or Improvisational Performance
- 500-word summary (PDF)
- 100-word bio (PDF)
- Optionally, one additional media file may be submitted for workshop and performance proposals
- Technical requirements, if any
Submit to Jashen Edwards and Rebecca Rinsema at [email protected] by
May 15, 2023.
Proposals will be reviewed according to:
1. Objectives or purposes as they relate to the conference theme(s)
2. Perspective(s) and/or theoretical framework
3. Methods, techniques, and/or modes of inquiry
4. Data sources, evidence, objects, and/or materials
5. Results and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for arguments/point of view
6. Scientific, scholarly, artistic, and/or pedagogical significance of the project