Welcome to The International Association for the Study of Popular Music UK and Ireland Branch

Royal Music Association Annual Conference 2016

Posted: October 15th, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Royal Music Association Annual Conference 2016

Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London
3rd– 5th September 2016


The Guildhall School will host the Royal Music Association Annual Conference 2016 on 3rd– 5th September 2016. The conference programme will consist of panels, workshops and research presentations, including the Edward Dent medal award lecture and the Peter Le Huray lecture, as well as networking opportunities.

The Call for Papers for RMA2016 is now open!

The programme committee invites proposals for themed sessions (90 minutes), individual papers (20 minutes), lecture-recitals (30 minutes) and posters (A1 display sheet).

A variety of formats and speakers are encouraged; the aim is to represent the entire scope of current musical scholarship.

Themed-session proposals will be selected on the basis of the quality of the proposal, with sessions especially welcome that:

  • present practice-led research;
  • involve the participation of leading practitioners and performers;
  • explore the interface between research and professional practice;
  • address issues of current political and strategic interest to the sector;
  • are linked thematically to keynote speakers’ areas of expertise;
  • disseminate kinds of research hitherto under-represented at the RMA annual conference;
  • are promoted by RMA’s study groups and sibling organisations concerned with research in music and cognate areas (e.g. members of the Music Research Consortium UK).

More details & submission processhttp://www.gsmd.ac.uk/about_the_school/research/whats_on/the_royal_musical_association_annual_conference_2016/call_for_proposals/