Riffs: Experimental Writing on Popular Music – Volume 3
Posted: August 14th, 2018 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Riffs: Experimental Writing on Popular Music – Volume 3Ideas of noise…
Submissions should in some way critically engage with “ideas of noise” as a statement, a question, or even consider the Birmingham-based experimental sound festival, Ideas of Noise.
As the journal title suggests, we are interested in pieces that take an experimental approach to the consideration of popular music. For examples of pieces based on previous prompts, have a look through our current and past issues.
We encourage experimental audio, visual, and additional written contributions, from composition to poetry. Ten contributions (to include visual contributions up to six pages of A4) will be published online and in limited edition print in February 2019.
Deadline for 300-word proposals: 30th September 2018
Please include your name, institution or association (if applicable) and contact email.
Full submissions (of 1,000-4,000 words/ visual / audio content to not exceed 6 A4 pages / or an audio/video file suitable for hosting on WordPress) will be invited by the 10th of October and expected by the 9th of December.
All contributions published by Riffs will be considered by the whole editorial panel and edited by two specialist editors before publication.
Please email proposals to one of the Co-Managing Editors:
Craig Hamilton [email protected]
Sarah Raine [email protected]
Or to [email protected]
This call is made in partnership with Ideas of Noise festival. The guest editor for this issue will be announced shortly.