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Reviews Editor for Journal of World Popular Music

Posted: January 12th, 2018 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on Reviews Editor for Journal of World Popular Music

The editorial team of JWPM seeks to appoint a Reviews Editor for publications and other research-based outputs covering world popular music in all its forms and from a variety of academic and other perspectives.

The Reviews Editor is responsible for commissioning, developing and editing reviews of relevant books, special issues, magazines, CDs, websites, DVDs, online music releases, exhibitions, artwork, radio programs and world music festivals. JWPM aims to publish reviews which respond to the latest releases in the fields of popular music, ethnomusicology, anthropology, musicology, communication, media and cultural studies, sociology, geography, art and museum studies, and/or others.

Working closely with the Editor and Assistant Editor, the Reviews Editor identifies publications, exhibitions, conferences, etc. of interest and invites reviewers. After commission, the Reviews Editor oversees the writing and editing of each review, up to the point where it is ready for final copy-editing. The Reviews Editor is expected to deliver around 10 reviews per year.

The ideal candidate is well connected with scholars working on all aspects of world popular music, and closely monitors the state of the field, with an eye to commissioning reviews that will stand out as lasting contributions to academic debate.

Applications should consist of a CV and a brief cover letter (500 words) specifying the candidate’s appropriate skills and qualities. Applications should be emailed to Dr Simone Krüger Bridge, Editor-in-Chief ([email protected]) by 18 February 2018.

The new Reviews Editor will be appointed from 1 March 2018.

For further information about JWPM, please see https://journals.equinoxpub.com/index.php/JWPM/index.