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Resonancias – Musical Research Journal

Posted: November 18th, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Resonancias – Musical Research Journal

Issue 38 (June 2016)
Guest editor: Víctor Rondón.

The journal Resonancias, published by the Music Institute at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s Faculty of Arts, invites specialists in musical research and/or related disciplines to send articles of their authorship presenting unpublished and relevant contributions in their areas. Articles written in Spanish, Portuguese and English will be accepted.

This Call for Papers seeks contributions that have a historical approach to music studies, interdisciplinary or not, or that aim to shed light on the historical aspects of a given musical universe. In both cases, the factors in play include methodologies, epistemologies, the constitution and critique of sources, and narratives and concepts on the historicity of musical phenomena. Moreover, in both cases these factors, in turn, have made a contribution to the historiography of music, albeit often without authors’ awareness of the fact that their work is considered as such by historians who have integrated it into the discipline’s literature.[1] However, in our field, be it historical musicology or musical research, the methodological reflection on historiographical issues has been few and far between. The few instances of Latin American musicology tackling this issue – using reflections from inside the discipline and from a European context as the sole point of reference (Dahlhaus, for example) – no longer satisfy the demands of our reality nor the challenges of new historiographical currents.

We extend this call to scholars in musicology, as well as from other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, to submit texts with a critical, analytical and up-to-date approach to the relationships and tensions between music, research and history, applied to a wide range of phenomena and settings. Some of the suggested topics are:

  • Contemporaneous history of music: case studies, sources and methodologies.
  • Historiographical narrative in music studies: Characteristics and trends.
  • Ethnohistory and anthropological history of music.
  • History, sociology and anthropology of music.
  • Musical folklore: tradition and history.
  • Historiography of music: Critique and evaluation.
  • General history, cultural history, art history and music history: relations and tensions.
  • Music, memory and historical narrative.
  • Historical research and musical interpretation (performance).
  • Musical iconography and historical research.

All articles submitted will be evaluated by peers under a double blind system, after which the author will receive a report within a deadline established by the journal outlining the reasons for accepting or rejecting the article.

Over the sixteen years since its founding, Resonancias has published articles by local and international specialists on themes relating mainly to music in Latin America and the Caribbean. The journal has also been the main instrument for disseminating works recognized with the Samuel Claro Valdés Latin American Musicology Prize, awarded by the University’s Music Institute since 1998 and which currently represents one of the main means to promote the discipline in our continent.


Submissions should be addressed to [email protected] in Word or RTF format no later than January 18, 2016.


The complete information about submission requirements, as well as our editorial policy can be accessed in our web site (www.resonancias.uc.cl).

[1] In the case of Chile, for example, see the section “Fichero bibliográfico” (“Bibliographic database”) in Historia – journal published by the Institute of History at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile since the 1960s. The journal began compiling entries related to music early on in sections dedicated to literature in the field of Art History and the History of Folklore, however, starting in the mid-1970s, these entries were given their own section labelled History of Music.