Posted: January 14th, 2019 | Filed under: Remembrances | Comments Off on Dave Laing (1947-2019)
In recognition of the status of Dave Laing as a founder of the field of popular music studies and a much respected and loved colleague, as witnessed by the outpouring of tributes across social media and elsewhere, we feel it appropriate on this sad occasion to open a dedicated page of remembrance.

The following was originally published on Facebook by Dave Hesmondhalgh, and is reproduced here with kind permission.
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Posted: November 29th, 2011 | Filed under: Remembrances | Comments Off on David Sanjek (1952-2011)
This piece on the life and work of David Sanjek was provided to the website by Mark Duffett.

In his lifetime, Professor David Sanjek established himself as a leading international scholar in the burgeoning field of Anglo-American popular music studies. He contributed to the academic discussion of a wide range of topics, including popular music history, copyright law, genre cinema, and popular culture. David’s infectious warmth, compassionate outlook, strategic ability to foster community, scholarly excellence, and experience in the music industry did much to develop the US branch of IASPM. His friend Reebee Garafalo noted that he was the person who “incorporated the US chapter as a tax exempt, non-profit.” On the IASPM-US memorial site, Professor Garafalo added, “Such bureaucratic actions, of course, only begin to scratch the surface of the love and commitment he felt toward IASPM and its members.” David’s final four years, were, however, spent as a global academic based at the University of Salford in England; his untimely passing left a significant legacy on both sides of the Atlantic.
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