Welcome to The International Association for the Study of Popular Music UK and Ireland Branch

Participations Special Issue: Music and Audiences

Posted: May 17th, 2011 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Participations Special Issue: Music and Audiences

Proposals are sought for a special issue of Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies on music and audiences. The theme of this issue will be an examination of the music audience from a range of perspectives, with both theoretical and empirical research welcomed on all aspects of music and reception. The issue would also particularly be interested in proposals that consider music audiences in the context of debates over technology and the Internet, and in articles which focus on issues of genre, different music fan cultures, or the specifics and particularities of music audiences, due to contexts such as sexuality, generation or nationality.

Proposals are welcomed on, but not limited to, the following possible topics:

-Music fandom (s);
-Music audiences, technology and the Internet;
-Music audiences in regional, local, national and international contexts;
-Representations of, and audience responses to, gender and sexuality;
-Film, television and the music audience;
-Music taste(s) and genres;
-Responses to political engagement in music;
-Generational music audiences;
-Celebrity and stardom;
-The live music experience;
-Discussions of music engagement and meaning.


Please submit article proposals of no more than 300 words, along with a 200 word author biography to Dr Lucy Bennett ([email protected]) by 11 July 2011. Please also contact Lucy with any queries or requests for further information. Completed articles will have a submission deadline of 10 January 2012.

Please note that Participations operates an open-refereeing policy. For more information see the website (http://www.participations.org).