Oxford Handbook of Global Popular Music
Posted: September 1st, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Oxford Handbook of Global Popular MusicInvitation for expressions of interest
Edited by Simone Krüger Bridge.
The Handbook offers an authoritative and state-of-the-art survey of current thinking and research in studies of global popular musics from different parts of the world. The chapters will be written by leading international figures from ethnomusicology, popular music studies, and anthropology to give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates surrounding global popular music. The Handbook captures the vibrant, dynamic, and diverse approaches that characterize popular music across the world. The volume features a diversity of topics and approaches, structured into five conceptual parts: GLOBAL CAPITALISM, GLOBAL GENRES, MIGRATION, IDENTITY, TECHNOLOGY. The purpose of the organization is to give a comprehensive review of achievements by leading scholars in the field of global popular music to date, and to contribute to an understanding of what global popular music might become in future, charting new areas that are likely to define studies of global popular music in the coming decades.
In terms of your contribution, the chapter should fit into one of the broadly defined conceptual areas of the handbook (see above). As a guideline, please propose a chapter that will serve as a reference article on current scholarship in your area of music research, paying particular attention to newly established and emerging fields. The contribution should not merely constitute a summary of previous research, but also be an in-depth investigation to cover genuinely new ground, while addressing scholars who require access to the current state of scholarship in your field.
Each chapter will be between 6000 to 10000 words long, excluding bibliographic references. Individual essays may contain up to 2 images each, for which copyright must be cleared prior to submission to the editor. The contributors are responsible for the costs of any illustrations other than commissioned maps.
Wherever feasible, I would also like to encourage authors to team up with indigenous academics, scholars, and/or artists to jointly produce their chapters.
Chapters would need to be submitted by March 2020. Please note that individual chapters will be published online after they have been submitted to and approved by the editor, so the publication date for the online publication will be earlier than the print publication. This will be particularly relevant for authors who may wish to count their chapter toward research assessment exercises. I would therefore like to encourage authors, if feasible, to submit their chapters sooner than the above deadlines.
Please reply with the following information by 10 September 2019:
- Chapter title
- Relative chapter length (between 6000 – 10000 words)
- Chapter scope description
- Illustrations to be included?
- Your full name, current affiliation, current mailing and email address
Dr Simone Krüger Bridge
Reader in Music
e: [email protected]