Opening Up: Reconnecting, Remixing, Remastering
Posted: March 16th, 2022 | Filed under: Calls for Papers, IASPM Conferences | Comments Off on Opening Up: Reconnecting, Remixing, RemasteringIASPM-ANZ 2022 Conference: Call for Papers
Conference Dates: Wednesday 7th – Friday 9th December 2022
Venue: RMIT University City Campus, Latrobe St Melbourne and online
Organising Committee: Catherine Strong, Shelley Brunt, Ian Rogers, Tami Gadir, Sebastian Diaz-Gasca, Olivia Guntarik
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 2022 IASPM-ANZ conference, to be held at the City Campus of RMIT University.
There will also be options for online presentations for members who cannot attend in person.
The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Opening Up: Reconnecting, Remixing, Remastering’. The last two years have seen a complete upheaval to the music world that we study, and to our own lives as educators in this field. As we restart, we invite papers that consider any aspects of how popular music and popular music studies have responded to a changed world, including examinations of what might not have changed. Questions that might be considered include:
- How have the practices of popular music been remixed, challenged or interrupted?
- What aspects of popular music have been put into a different light? What can we see now that might have been hidden before?
- How has teaching popular music been impacted? What new innovations in pedagogy have emerged, and what have we learned cannot be done online?
- How can what existed before be remastered into a better version of itself?
- What have we learned about what is important about the connections music enables? How do we reconnect in meaningful ways?
- How have the impacts of crisis been unequally felt? Has access to music, music-making, or music education changed?
- What has the role of technology been in enabling music to circulate beyond restrictions?
- Has anything remained unaffected by challenges in the world? When can previous practices – either creative or research based – continue as before?
We invite broad interpretations of any of these prompts, and also welcome papers that go beyond the specifics of this theme or only touch on it lightly.
We strongly encourage postgraduate students to submit applications, and panel submissions of up to three papers are also welcome. Please submit your proposal as a Word doc, in plain text, with the following information (in this order):
- Name of author(s) (exactly as you would like it to appear in the program)
- Institution or affiliation
- Contact phone number, including international codes
- Consideration for 2022 IASPM-ANZ postgraduate prize?* (Yes/No)
- Title of paper
- 3 keywords for your paper (for programming purposes)
- Abstract (300 words maximum)
*The IAPSM-ANZ postgraduate prize of AUD$250 is awarded to the best postgraduate presenter at the conference, as determined by a panel of established IAPSM-ANZ members. Only current postgraduate students are eligible. Past winners may not apply.
Information on registration, accommodation and additional activities will be posted on the IASPM-ANZ website following the abstract review process. All presenters are required to be financial members of IASPM. Membership information can be found at the IASPM-ANZ webpage:, and will also be provided at the time of conference registration.
Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2022
Email for submissions and enquiries: [email protected]
We are very excited at the prospect of seeing everyone again and can’t wait to see your paper ideas!