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New Zealand Musicological Society Annual Conference

Posted: July 13th, 2016 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on New Zealand Musicological Society Annual Conference

19-20 November 2016
University of Waikato Conservatorium of Music
Hamilton, New Zealand

Contemporary and Future Paths in Music Performance, Composition and Analysis

In implicit dialogue with the ‘search for tradition’ of New Zealand Musicological Society’s annual conference in 2015, this year we invite participants to consider musical and cultural paths of the present and future, in both New Zealand and international contexts. While there remains interest in considering how the past may be used to shape the future, we particularly welcome submissions that address, directly and indirectly, the following themes:

  • New and innovative areas of musicological, ethnomusicological, performative, and compositional enquiry (with all strands broadly conceived)
  • Ruptures, divergences and deviations from tradition
  • The significance and/or future of labels such as ‘New Zealand music’ in a globalised, 21st-century world

We also welcome papers on other musicology, ethnomusicology, performance and composition-related topics.

Conference rooms will be equipped with AV equipment, with the potential for pianos if needed; we strongly encourage presenters to include audio-visual and/or live musical elements in their papers.

Submission Requirements

Individual Papers (20 minute papers with 10 minutes discussion time)

Proposals should represent the talk as fully as possible. A successful proposal typically articulates the main aspects of the argument or research findings clearly, positions the author’s contribution with respect to earlier work, and suggests the paper’s significance for the NZMS community. Authors will be invited to revise their proposals for the Program and Abstracts, distributed at the meeting; the version read by the Program Committee may remain confidential.

Maximum length: 250 words

Group Sessions (1.5 – 2 hours)

An organizer representing several individuals may propose a group session. For this proposal, organizers should prepare a rationale, explaining the importance of the topic and the proposed constituent papers, together with the names of the organizer, participants, respondent (if applicable), and a suggested chairperson. The organizer should also include a proposal for each paper, which conforms to the guidelines for individual proposals above. Group Session proposals will be considered as a unit and accepted or rejected as a whole. A single paper may be substituted with a performance if deemed appropriate. The proposed session’s consistency and coherence is an important part of the evaluation process.

Paper abstracts included in a formal session proposal are components of the session proposal as a whole, and will not be considered for individual presentation.
Maximum length: 150 words for the rationale, and each constituent proposal

Panel Discussions (1 – 1.5 hours)

Panel discussions are intended to accommodate proposals that are amenable to a more informal exchange of ideas in a public forum than in paper sessions. These can cover a wide range of topics: they may examine a central body of scholarly work, a methodology or critical approach, or lay the groundwork for a new research direction. Such panels should comprise participants’ brief position statements, followed by general discussion among panellists and audience. Panel discussions will be scheduled for the same duration of time as full or half sessions of papers. For this proposal, organizers should outline the rationale and issues behind the proposal, describe the activities envisioned, and explain why each panellist has been chosen.

Panel discussions will be considered only as a whole.
Maximum length: 500 words

Please add a cover page to all submissions that includes the following information: paper title, type of proposal, A/V or piano requirements, and all authors’ contact, institutional, and affiliation details; please leave any identifying details of subsequent pages of the submission to ensure a blind review. Complete submissions should be emailed as a PDF to [email protected].

Questions about any aspects of the conference can be directed to Nick Braae (University of Waikato) at [email protected]

Submissions due 5pm NZT Friday 29 July 2016

The programme committee will send letters of acceptance by 19 August 2016.