Welcome to The International Association for the Study of Popular Music UK and Ireland Branch

New IASPM UK & Ireland website

Posted: February 20th, 2010 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on New IASPM UK & Ireland website

Welcome to the new IASPM UK & Ireland branch website. We’re now fully equipped with all the mod cons: we have a completely redesigned layout; simple clear navigation; categories and searchable archives. You should now find it much easier to locate the information you’ll need in order to submit for conferences and journals.

A few nips and tucks

There are now commenting features available at the foot of each post, so we hope that the themes of your CFP’s might spark some discussion, debate and collaboration. There are also RSS feeds available in the sidebar so that you can subscribe to the website in your news reader software and keep up to date on the latest announcements and comments.

On the contact page there is now an option to attach Word documents. Those of you who are organising events or publications can therefore easily supply us with the information you wish to share and we will include it on the site. We hope you enjoy using the website and we welcome your feedback on ways that it can be improved. Please let us know your feedback by using the contact page.

Thank you.