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MUSICultures: Queer Musicking

Posted: October 29th, 2018 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on MUSICultures: Queer Musicking

MUSICultures solicits articles for publication in a special issue on Queer Musicking, guest edited by Dr. Charity Marsh (University of Regina), Dr. Line Grenier (Université de Montréal), and Dr. Craig Jennex (University of Regina). We also continue to solicit articles on any topic related to our mandate.

In his book Musicking: The Meanings of Performance and Listening, Christopher Small proposes that we perceive music as a verb rather than a noun—an activity rather than a thing—to recognize the necessarily social nature of music performance and participation.

For this special issue, we invite critical scholarship on queer musicking practices in contemporary and historical contexts around the globe. Musicking refers to an encounter, a way that individuals connect with others and become part of a larger collective. Such an act is particularly important for queer individuals, communities, and politics. In a society structured by heteronormativity, patriarchy, white supremacy, and neoliberalism—ideals that usher all of us into normative and limiting modes of relations—does musicking afford collective queer potential?

We invite proposals on a variety of topics related to queer musicking. How are queer communities, cultures, and practices animated by musicking? How does musicking inform queer diasporic communities? How might musicking connect us not just with other individuals, but also with broader political movements? How might an attention to queer musicking alter the way we remember the past? How might queer experiences of musicking inform more radical possibilities in the future? In short: what does queer musicking make possible?

MUSICultures is the peer-reviewed journal of The Canadian Society for Traditional Music / La Société canadienne pour les traditions musicales. It is a refereed journal published twice a year under the auspices of the Society. Membership in CSTM is not a prerequisite for publication.

MUSICultures publishes original articles in English and French on a wide range of topics in ethnomusicology, traditional music research, and popular music studies. MUSICultures welcomes articles on music in Canadian contexts as well as scholarship on any relevant issues in relation to any music practices in the world or to global processes. The journal also publishes reviews of books, and sound and visual recordings.

Articles are normally in the range of 6,500-8,500 words. The deadline for complete manuscripts is January 31, 2019.

Please visit our website for complete submission details:

Submit manuscripts or publishing questions to: [email protected].