Metal Animals
Posted: May 13th, 2024 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Metal AnimalsWe invite you to contribute with your presentation to the special section on metal music and animals at the scientific conference Non-Human Animals in Philosophy and Culture, which will be held in Cres, Croatia, on September 22–25, 2024. The contributions to this section will be published in the edited scientific monograph Metal and Animals (ed. Bruno Ćurko, Josip Guć & Bojana Radovanović).
Non-Human Animals in Philosophy and Culture
The scientific conference Non-Human Animals in Philosophy and Culture is part of the cultural and scientific manifestation 32nd Days of Frane Petrić. Frane Petrić is the most famous Croatian Renaissance philosopher born in Cres, where the conference will take place on September 22–25, 2024. As the title suggests, the conference includes all the possible contributions to the philosophical and/or cultural reflection of the human-animal relationship. However, we would like to organize thematic section(s) on metal music and animals. The conference will be held in person only. It is not hard to notice that metal music is full of animal symbolism. The special thematic section on metal music and animals will include philosophical, cultural, sociological, musicological, and other contributions on any topic related to metal music and animals.
The scientific edited monograph Metal and Animals will gather contributions from two central activities of the Centre of Integrative Bioethics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split (Croatia): the annual conference Days of animal Studies and this years conference Non-Human Animals in Philosophy and Culture. The first edition of the monograph will be published in Croatian and Serbian (translations provided!) and the second one in English.
The full manuscripts should be submitted before the September conference.
Please send the application form by June 1, 2024 (if you have not received it, contact the president of the program committee Josip Guć: [email protected]). The conference fee is 250 € (or 300 € if you want to use the organized transportation from Zagreb to Cres and from Cres to Zagreb). The conference fee includes double-room hotel accommodation with full board, participation in all events organized during the conference, and conference materials.
You can also find information and the application form here:
For any additional inquiries regarding the conference, monographs, or deadlines, please get in touch with Josip Guć at [email protected].