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Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World

Posted: June 26th, 2018 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World

Metal music has been around since Black Sabbath hit the first chord on its song “Black Sabbath.” Since that time Metal scenes are constantly being created, developed, stagnating, and growing all over the world—anywhere where Metal is played and cared about. Today, that means in just about every country on earth. This book, Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World, is being published by Intellect Press. We are looking for researchers who will be examining Metal scenes in various parts of the world. We want to look at out of the way places and cultures just as much as well known places around the world. We currently have chapters being written about Johannesburg, South Africa; Dayton, Ohio; Hull, UK, and Helsinki, Finland. If possible, we want to learn about Metal Scenes in 6 of the 7 continents (we don’t believe that there is a scene in Antarctica, but please prove us wrong!).

Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World wants to examine Metal scenes anywhere they exist and do so in a way that can address any number of questions. For instance, a few possible questions to consider:

  • In what ways does a country’s culture influence the Metal scenes, if at all?
  • How does a local Metal scene stay healthy?
  • What factors contribute to a scene’s stagnation or demise?
  • What genres or styles of Metal exist in local scenes and what effect do they have on the health of a scene?
  • How do various parts of a scene affect one another?
  • The stereotype of Metal fans has always been working class white males—is that still the case? And if it’s not, what has led to the changes in scene membership?
  • What brings about a Metal scene in a place?
  • What about countries where whites are the minority—are the white fans still the most prevalent?
  • Are there particular genres of Metal that are better “fits” to keep a scene viable?
  • What keeps scenes thriving in one part of the world but not in others?
  • Scenes need fans, musicians, and physical spaces—is one of these three more important than the other two for a particular scene to thrive?

We are looking for chapters that examine particular scenes around the world that address these questions and others. Ideally, we are looking for scenes in places not normally considered Metal hotbeds, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to learn about scenes in places where Metal has consistently thrived. Our goal is to examine scene characteristics throughout the world and see what types of connections (if any) exist among them. The research done so far for this book has been primarily ethnographic in nature, and we feel that that is the best approach. However, that does not mean other types of research won’t work as well.

Proposers should send a 500 word maximum abstract of the study. By sending an abstract it is assumed that the research has not been published already or is currently under review for consideration elsewhere. Send your abstracts and the below information to [email protected] by August 17, 2018.

Also, with the abstract, proposals should include the following biographical information:

–Name with professional title
–Institutional title
–Mailing address
–email address
–100 word professional biography

Co-editors/contact people:
Bryan A. Bardine, Ph.D.
Jerome Stueart, Ph.D.