Launch of Music Research Consortium UK (MRC-UK)
Posted: October 23rd, 2013 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on Launch of Music Research Consortium UK (MRC-UK)Leaders of professional organisations promoting research in music will gather at the Institute of Musical Research, Senate House, London on Friday 25 October, 2013 at 5pm, for the official launch of the Music Research Consortium UK (MRC-UK). Invited guests include scholars, industry professionals and policy makers from across the UK.
MRC-UK has developed links between eighteen bodies that promote musical research and the exchange of ideas. It aims to co-ordinate national and international initiatives and responses concerning music research practice and policy on behalf of the participating organisations in order to promote evidence-based policy and practice that draws explicitly on the latest international research.
‘The establishment of the Music Research Consortium UK is a timely – perhaps overdue – initiative that brings together the highly-varied forms of musical research and gives them a forum for discussion and, when needed, a single voice’ (Mark Everist; President, The Royal Musical Association and Convener, MRC-UK).
Contact: Matt Brennan (Chair of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, UK and Ireland Branch). Email: [email protected].
Mission Statement:
MRC-UK aims to:
- Support and promote the scholarly study of music and musical activity in all its forms;
- Promote collaboration between the participating organisations and the wider national and international community in order to enhance understanding and to encourage and support research events, strategy and dissemination;
- Co-ordinate national and international initiatives and responses concerning music research practice and policy on behalf of the participating organisations in order to promote evidence-based policy and practice that draws explicitly on the latest international research;
- Provide practical help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communication and collaboration between participating organisations;
- Encourage cross-disciplinary discussion on issues such as ontology, epistemology, theoretical consistency and methodology;
- Develop links with practitioners and professional bodies to promote musical research and the exchange of ideas.
MRC-UK Members
- Association for the Study of the Art of Record Production (ASARP)
- British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE)
- British Music Society (representing c40 composer organisations)
- British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT)
- English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS)
- Galpin Society (representing multiple instrument societies)
- Institute of Acoustics (IoA)
- International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) – UK and Ireland
- International Association of Music Libraries (IAML) – UK and Ireland
- Music and Philosophy Study Group
- Music Libraries Trust
- National Association for Music in Higher Education (NAMHE)
- Plainsong and Medieval Music Society (PMMS)
- Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale(RILM UK)
- Répertoire International des Sources Musicales(RISM UK)
- Royal Musical Association (RMA)
- Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (SEMPRE)
- Society for Music Analysis (SMA)
- Sound and Music