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International Summit on Gender, Sexuality, and Equity in Grove Music Online

Posted: August 5th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on International Summit on Gender, Sexuality, and Equity in Grove Music Online

University of Guelph (Canada)
May 29, 30, and 31, 2020

In the fall of 2019, Grove Music Online (GMO) will launch a comprehensive revision and expansion of its content relating to gender and sexuality. While its focus is on gender and sexuality, this endeavor presents an opportunity for all fields of music and sound scholarship— performance, education, composition, ethnomusicology, musicology, library science, music theory, and music therapy—to take an intersectional approach to addressing equity and inclusion of all kinds in print and digital reference documents (encyclopedias, dictionaries, indexes, educational materials, source books, score anthologies, museum exhibits, and so on). To that end, in collaboration with scholarly and community partners, the University of Guelph will hold a summit from May 29-31, 2020.

This summit will interrogate the ways that reference publications—particularly works under the Grove umbrella—have captured, contained, and defined the fields of music and sound studies within and beyond the academy. We seek contributions that discuss challenges and best practices in working toward equity and inclusion within the particular limitations of scholarly and editorial structures for publishing reference materials. This summit will explore how GMO’s revisions can mobilize new practices, policies, and content to support equity in the broadest sense. This summit will also examine how better leveraging existing technologies might allow Grove Music Online to become a more equitable tool. Summit organizers invite proposals for conference papers and performances on the following and related themes:

  • What does equitable and inclusive representation mean in the context of an encyclopedia or other reference work such as Grove Music Online?
  • What new methods, formats, categories, structures, and organizing principles can help this revision of Grove Music Online be more equitable in its representation of marginalized and underrepresented individuals and groups?
  • What gaps in Grove Music Online’s gender and sexuality content should be filled by emerging research?
  • How might fields such as queer studies, race studies, disability studies, and feminism transform our understandings of the function and content of Grove Music Online?
  • What opportunities does the multimedia nature of music/sound studies present for an online platform such as GMO? What new modes of engagement might sources such as GMO promote through the use of technology?
  • How can this revision of GMO provide lessons applicable to other reference tools and encyclopedias used by the fields of music and sound studies?

We welcome proposals from practitioners and scholars within and beyond the academy.

Proposals of no more than 250 words should be sent to Kimberly Francis and Tes Slominski at
[email protected] by September 7, 2019.