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Here, There, Everywhere (& Nowhere): Musical Perspectives on Migration, Networks and Borders

Posted: October 24th, 2017 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Here, There, Everywhere (& Nowhere): Musical Perspectives on Migration, Networks and Borders

Senate House, London
Friday 6th April 2018, 10am- 5pm

Join us for a one-day collaborative research event organised by The University of Gloucestershire’s Music and Media Department in association with The Institute of Musical Research and the School of Advanced Study, University of London.

In the context of rapidly-changing models of consumption and patterns of identification that are occurring across the music industries, this event focuses on notions of boundary, flow and borders, and seeks to establish conceptual connections in relation to musicology, musical networks, and musical identities.

Following the model of an ‘un/conference’, this one-day event will be preceded in the three months leading up to it by four working groups or ‘demes’, each of which will develop key areas for discussion via online fora. These topics will then be discussed during the real-time event with a view to establishing concrete research proposals, projects and outcomes. A deme leader will co-ordinate each working group, the members of which will interact with each other on the morning of the event and share ideas across demes in the afternoon.

The main objective of the day is to operate as a development lab for ideas with a view to publication; a publisher has expressed initial interest in the project.


1. Music, travel and migration

2. Music and globalisation: national and transnational styles and genres in the 21st century

3. Cycles, patterns, movements: Rhythmic perspectives / Rhythmanalysis and Contemporary Music Ecologies

4. Digital networks, utopias and other ‘non-places’

The event includes a key panel discussion with musicians, music journalists and academics.

Mike Smith (Blur, Gorillaz, Syrian National Orchestra for Arabic Music)
Ben Thompson (Observer Music Journalist, Resonance FM)
Dr Florian Scheding (Research Fellow in Music, University of Bristol)
Jude Rogers (Observer Music Journalist and Lecturer)
Marcus O’Dair (Senior Lecturer in Popular Music, University of Middlesex, author of Different Every Time: The Authorised Biography of Robert Wyatt, Serpent’s Tail, London).


Submission of 300 word abstract to [email protected]: December 20th 2017

Notifications: January 15th

Registration: March 6th

The event has received funding from the Institute of Musical Research, Nick Baker and from the University of Gloucestershire. It is free. Conference organisers: Dr Abigail Gardner, Dr Matthew Lovett, Dr Gerry Moorey.