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HardWired. Heavy Metal Research Conference VII:  Discipl(in)es of Transgression? Transdisciplinarity and the Study of Popular Culture 

Posted: January 18th, 2019 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on HardWired. Heavy Metal Research Conference VII:  Discipl(in)es of Transgression? Transdisciplinarity and the Study of Popular Culture 

University of Salzburg (Austria)
02 – 04 October 2019

Organizers: Frederic Luftensteiner, Nils Grosch, Sascha Trültzsch-Wijnen, Anna-Lena Mützel (University of Salzburg; Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences; Department of Art, Music and Dance Studies; Department of Communication Science; Doctorate School Popular Culture Studies)

Metal music has increasingly excited researchers‘ curiosity and focused attention as can be seen in the term ‚metal studies’ which has been coined. Even beyond the sphere of science the research on metal music has attracted great interest. The conference ‚HardWired VII‘ seeks to take the relation between these different spheres into perspective. Not only does this mean shedding a light on the methodologies of research applied, but also on the position of researchers in the field.

  • What happens to common myths from within the field as they enter scientific discourse? How should discourse originating from music scenes be dealt with (on a historiographical account)?
  • Who credits and negotiates ‘fan-scholarship’ and how? Under what conditions can the transfer to institutionalized scientific research succeed?
  • How could approaches from different disciplines be brought together and methodologically grounded when researching popular culture?
  • How do musicians and scholars communicate aesthetic and performative aspects? How does this affect theorizing and interpretation of results?

These questions could be initial to a transdisciplinary process in order to examine closely the current links between musical practice, fans and science and order to interrelate varying methodical approaches. We shall face the associated challenges with great openness for differing research designs and procedures. In accordance with the tradition of the ‚HardWired‘ – conference series we attempt to bridge distances of geographical situation and language, promoting participation (also form outside the academic field). The lectures are going to be open to the public.

We welcome lecture proposals (duration: 20 minutes) as well as suggestions for other formats including workshops. The conference languages are English and German. Please send your abstracts (300 words max.) alongside a brief curriculum vitae and contact information to Frederic Luftensteiner: [email protected]