Future Sounds: Meaning and the Future of Popular Music
Posted: February 4th, 2016 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Future Sounds: Meaning and the Future of Popular MusicCoordinated by The School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Film, Media and Performance
University of Central Lancashire: 16/17 May 2016
Changes to the landscape of how music is consumed, produced and maintains its social and cultural significance are subjects that present both fascination and challenge for scholars and practitioners alike. Where on the one hand predictive speculations about future trends in music are virtually impossible to foretell, creative engagement with music practitioners and industry have the potential to give critical voice to what may be expected, based on the current state of affairs in popular music.
Our aim is to bring some of these voices together for a dynamic discussion on the future of popular music from a range of disciplines in music studies, including musicology, composition, cultural theory, philosophy, media studies, sociology business and marketing studies amongst others.
We would like to invite you to submit a paper for the upcoming conference Future Sounds: Meaning and the Future of Popular Music. To be held at the University of Central Lancashire from the 16th to the 17th of MAY.
We encourage submissions on the areas of:
- The future of music: composition, new noise, new sound, new technologies
- The future of popular music in industry: new trends, markets and practices.
- The economics and future of popular music.
- Changes in music consumption.
- Digital (re) production and its impact on music and meaning.
- Noise and the destruction of past sound.
- Dislocation, placelessness and the future of popular music in the global – local continuum.
- Future music and politics.
- Future music and the role of journalism.
- The loss of folk traditions.
- Music future and repetition.
The conference will take place over two days, following on from UCLan’s Future Sound music festival. The first day will involve presentation of academic and scholarly works, the second day will be primarily devoted to panels and contributors from the music industry, coordinated by Tony Rigg (The Laboratory Project and former Ministry of Sound Operations director)
Submission of abstracts
To submit a paper or work in progress please contact the conference coordinators with an abstract of 200-300 words by Thursday, March 18 2016 to:
Dr Niall Scott ([email protected])
Prof Ewa Mazierska ([email protected] )
Dr Les Gillon ([email protected] )
Tony Rigg ([email protected] )