Executive Committee Newsletter February 2021
Posted: February 4th, 2021 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on Executive Committee Newsletter February 2021Dear IASPM UKI members,
I hope this finds you healthy and well.
I’d like to share with you the first of what we hope will be a regular series of newsletters from the 2020-2021 Executive Committee. The aim is to be transparent about the decisions being made at executive meetings and what is being planned for the membership more generally. Hopefully, this will be an engaging alternative to simply archiving meeting minutes on the website, and more dialogue across the membership can be encouraged as a result.
Executive Committee Meeting – 20th November 2020
This meeting was the first of the new academic year and we welcomed in the new chair, Professor Simon Zagorski-Thomas.
Most of the newly elected and previous years’ officers were present; the full committee listing is available here. The aim will be to meet monthly on Zoom when possible and to follow best practice regarding quorum.
Online Research Seminar Series
As the UK & Ireland branch we are due to contribute to the international seminar series of IASPM in October. The committee plans to host an event that will support members of the branch who are Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and would like to present their research publicly in a conference/seminar format.
The selected members will give short research presentations and one will be selected as the keynote, to be awarded a prize grant and also present their work to the International Research Seminar Series.
Organisation will be led by the ECR representative Dr Alex de Lacey. Look out for an open call for abstracts (with no theme) in April and further information on the event by the end of June. Submissions should be research that hasn’t been published elsewhere.
An ECR is defined by the committee as an academic researcher who is active within five years of finishing their PhD, currently undertaking a doctorate or who may be an experienced practitioner beginning to engage with research.
IASPM Journal
Are you looking for a peer-reviewed academic journal that could publish your work, on any topic in the space of popular music studies? Consider choosing the IASPM Journal.
Our journal is an online, double-blind, open-access publication and you can read about the scope and editorial policies here.
The committee strongly encourages IASPM UK&I members to submit to the journal, and you can contact the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Professor Mary Fogarty Woehrel, at [email protected].
Membership fees & payments
The committee would like IASPM UK&I to eventually establish a more advanced automated membership system, with the flexibility for waged members to also make voluntary financial contributions within the same interface.
As it stands, it is unfortunately too much of a technical challenge to merge our existing Listserv functionality with the WordPress website and direct debit payment system.
If anyone in the membership is knowledgeable on these topics and would like to offer help or suggestions, please contact the membership secretary Dr Beate Peter at [email protected].
Best wishes, and stay safe,
Ivan Mouraviev
PhD student, University of Bristol
IASPM UK&I Postgraduate Representative