Developing Pedagogies of Punk
Posted: November 15th, 2013 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Developing Pedagogies of PunkCall for Chapter Contributions
Developing curriculums and pedagogical approaches to the teaching of Punk music is a poorly investigated area within Music in Higher Education. The growing capability for institutions to develop programmes in these popular music areas have led to an appropriation of traditional teaching methods in some areas and innovative groundbreaking processes in others. The aim of this edited volume is to capture the contemporary thinking and doing of teaching practitioners around the world exploring their practice as punk pedagogues.
This volume intends to be reflective of and responsive to the plurality of pedagogies involved in the teaching of Punk and associated musics. We would welcome contributions that pose critical questions that may include:
- What strategies are employed in developing programmes that include Punk as curriculum content?
- What new approaches to understanding the teaching of music can we garner from the teaching of Punk?
- What tensions are there in the placing of Punk within a Higher Education context?
- What sorts of identities (and alternative identities) are engaged with through the teaching of Punk?
- What is the influence does Punk have on developing more generalised Music programmes?
- How do Programmes of containing Punk fulfil or question contemporary enhancement themes of Equality and Diversity, Internationalising the Curriculum or Employability?
We encourage contributions from a wide range of perspectives, including different methodologies and practices that enable an establishment of a scholarly body of work relating to the development of Punk as curriculum content and approaches to pedagogical development.
Contributions might explore:
- Particular examples of research into pedagogical interventions involving punk curriculums
- Forms of knowledge that are required and developed through Punk curriculums
- The location of Punk within Higher Education programmes
- Professional knowledge and critical perspectives
- The reframing of teaching expertise and scholarship
- Widening Participation and the role Punk plays in developing pedagogical understandings of future learners.
Proposals, which should be no longer than 500 words, should be forwarded by email to: Louise Jackson [email protected] and Dr. Mike Dines [email protected] on or before January 6th 2014.