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Dark Leisure and Music Symposium

Posted: December 1st, 2015 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Dark Leisure and Music Symposium

16th September 2016
Leeds Beckett University
Headingley Campus, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

Deadline for submissions: 15th May 2016

‘Dark Leisure and Music’ is an interdisciplinary symposium, hosted by Leeds Beckett University, Centre for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, that aims to address issues related to dark leisure research and encourage dark leisure scholarship in music. Dark leisure may be defined as leisure activity that sits on the fringes of modern society tastes, and activity that rejects the mainstream. Around the turn of the century, Chris Rojek started looking at dark leisure as ‘deviant’ and chose to interpret this type of leisure mostly as detrimental to the individual, in line with criminological approaches. While dark leisure has been investigated by criminologists and psychologists as abnormal behaviour, recent scholarship in this area such as the works of Karl Spracklen, Philip Stone, and D. J. Williams has shown the need to take dark leisure from a different moral perspective than previous research. Moreover, this type of leisure has been scarcely explored in relation to music cultures. Music worlds ‘on the edge’ could be important spaces for dark leisure activity which have Habermasian communicative rationality at heart; and in effect, they could provide essential channels for performing liminal identities.
We invite submissions addressing following issues and others:

  • Leisure activity in transgressive music cultures
  • Morality and transgression in fringe musics
  • Identity and performativity through ‘extreme’ music
  • Liminal subcultural positions within bigger music cultures
  • Critical perspectives on approaches to dark leisure

Scholars from different areas and disciplines including, but not limited to, sociology, musicology, ethnomusicology, leisure and tourism, history, geography, urban studies, media and communication studies, popular music studies, metal music studies, and cultural studies are welcome to submit a proposal. Proposals of no more than 300 words should be sent to [email protected] before 15th May 2016 along with a short running text biography of maximum 150 words. The time for each presentation will be 20 minutes accompanied by a 10-minute discussion. Accepted proposals and the conference programme will be announced on 15th June 2016. Selected papers from the conference will be encouraged to submit for possible publication in the journal Annals of Leisure Research as a special issue (volume 21, issue 3, 2018). The article submissions should be a maximum length of 9000 words to be submitted by 31st January 2017 and will go through a double-blind review.

More information: http://darkleisureandmusic.mselimyavuz.com/

Contact: [email protected]

Karl Spracklen, Leeds Beckett University (UK)
Samantha Holland, Leeds Beckett University (UK)
M. Selim Yavuz, Leeds Beckett University (UK)

About Annals of Leisure Research:
Annals of Leisure Research publishes refereed articles which promote the development of research and scholarship in leisure studies. Although originating in Australasia, Annals is aimed at an international readership and seeks theoretical or applied articles which cover any topic within the broad area of leisure studies, including recreation, tourism, hospitality, the arts, outdoor recreation, events, entertainment, sport, culture and play.

All research articles in this journal will have undergone rigorous double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by at least two anonymous reviewers.

The journal can be accessed online from http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ranz20​

Managing Editor: Neil Carr, University of Otago
Deputy Editor: David McGillivray, University of West Scotland​