CUMIN Workshop on Hip-Hop, Healing and Wellness
Posted: May 23rd, 2022 | Filed under: News | Comments Off on CUMIN Workshop on Hip-Hop, Healing and WellnessBlended online and in-person, Friday 24 June, 2022, 11:00-16:00
Organisation: CUMIN
CUMIN (Contemporary Urban Musics for Inclusion Network) is an AHRC-funded Network organising a series of Workshops in 2022 and a major conference in 2023. Workshop 2 from this series takes place in conjunction with University of York on Friday 24th June at York’s StreetLife hub (29-31 Coney St., York).
Hip-hop and other forms of contemporary urban music have been claimed to offer a ‘healing power’. The purpose of this workshop is to ask exactly what benefits to health and well-being can be identified, how these benefits can best be maximised, who is being impacted upon and why there is a need for those people to receive support for their health and well-being.
Presenters include:
- Raphael Travis ( Texas State University, author of The Healing Power of Hip Hop, 2015),
- Simon Glenister (Noise Solution, which offers delivers one-to-one music mentoring programs with people facing challenging circumstances);
- Naomi Norton (specialist on health and wellness among music-makers);
- Beate Peter (The Lapsed Clubber Project, which works with former or older clubbers to document rave music as national heritage);
- Elliot Gann (Executive Director of Today’s Future Sound, specialist in ‘Therapeutic Beat Making’);
- Rory ‘Rawz’ Campbell (rapper and Ark-T project coordinator who uses hip-hop to tackle issues of self-discovery, self-knowledge and a sense of freedom in educational contexts);
- Kiz Bangerh (founder of Hip Hop HEALS)
All are welcome to attend virtually or in-person, using the following links:
If you would like to join us IN-PERSON for the Workshop, please use this Eventbrite link
If you prefer to join us VIRTUALLY for the Workshop, please use this Eventbrite link