Ageing with EDM
Posted: February 23rd, 2018 | Filed under: Calls for Papers | Comments Off on Ageing with EDMSpecial edition of Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture:`
Guest Editor: David Madden, Concordia University
Ageing with EDM aims to contribute to the emerging field of ageing and music studies by advancing the work of EDM theorists and/or practitioners. This scholarship is related to a growing group of researchers undertaking historical cultural studies of popular music, musical heritage, gender, memory and ageing.
While youth taste cultures, musical communities and scenes continue to dominate the attention of electronic music, popular music and technology scholarship, very few studies have been devoted to EDM and cultures of ageing. This special edition of Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture invites contributions from a range of approaches, disciplines and theoretical frameworks to consider ways to think with ageing and electronic dance music culture, broadly defined. The following key questions will be highlighted in the issue: How can stories of older DJs, producers and scene actors contribute to our understandings of ageing studies and EDM? How do EDM practices, instruments and genres grow old together? How might EDM scenes offer critiques of successful ageing and ageing scripts? What are the trajectories of valuations of EDM materials and technologies? And, how do relationships to musical praxis, memory and technique change through the passage of time?
Potential themes for articles include (but are not limited to):
- Ageing with EDM genres, practices and instruments
- Musical memory, ageing and EDM
- Ageing scripts and EDM
- Critiques of successful ageing vis-à-vis EDM
- Ageing histories, cities, places, spaces and producers of EDM
- Life course(s) and EDM
- Ageing scenes and EDM
Feature Articles:
Feature Articles will be peer-reviewed and are 6000–9000 words in length (including endnotes, captions and bibliography). For policies, see here.
“From the Floor” Articles:
This section hosts imaginative submissions reviewed by Dancecult editors (that is, they are not usually subject to blind peer-review). Submissions include field reports, mini-ethnographies, photo-essays and interviews. Pieces for this section should be between 750-2500 words in length. Rather than written in the style of an article with formal analysis and many citations, FTF pieces are more conversational or blog-like in style, and may consist of experimental and creative reportage styles across the field of EDM. They may include substantive multimedia components.
Multimedia Submissions:
Dancecult encourages authors to complement their written work with audio and visual material. See the Dancecult Style Guide (DSG) for style and formatting requirements. Submissions must adhere to all style and formatting rules stipulated in the DSG.
Dates and deadlines
This special edition will be published in Dancecult on 1 Nov 2019.
If interested, send a 250-word abstract (along with a 100-word maximum author biography) to David Madden ([email protected]) by 1 May 2018.
If your abstract is accepted, the deadline for submission of a full article draft to the Guest Editor is 1 Nov 2018. Beyond that, the deadline for online submission to Dancecult (for blind peer-review) is 1 March 2019.
All inquiries and expressions of interest about the special edition should be directed to the Guest Editor: David Madden ([email protected])
Guest editor bio
David Madden is a soundmaker, artist and Postdoctoral Fellow with Ageing + Communication + Technologies (ACT), at Concordia University. He conducts research/creation in the areas of sound, ageing studies, electronic and popular music, media and gender and mobilities. Currently he is undertaking a feminist microhistory of the ondes Martenot entitled, Aging Waves, and writing a book on the history of electroclash.